Okay, so I am obviously really bad at putting these out on time. So sorry. Please just assume that no news means that I am still continuously getting larger and growing a human. Bonnie has been teething (three molars at once, hurray!) and then got a random stomach flu that she decided to share with mommy this week. Oh, the joys of motherhood with a toddler!
Besides possibly combating dysentery/the flu/the plague this week, I am happy to say that I am HALFWAY done! Woohoo! Granted, Bonnie was born at thirty-eight weeks and this baby is chugging right along, so it may be a taaaad sooner. I am feeling much better these days and only get sick every once in a blue moon - or every other week - whichever timeline you prefer. Baby Dos is ACTIVE and has had a big growth spurt in between now and the last bumpdate that I posted, which seems to be exactly how he or she should be, according to Baby Center,
"Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — about the size of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges."
At my last check up with my midwife, baby was hanging out transverse and low - hopefully he or she will get it together soon and start getting into diving formation. Other than that, everything seems to be going great! Baby is right on the growth schedule, measuring a little long for his or her gestational age, but that's no surprise! I lost around ten pounds during the first trimester due to rampant morning sickness, and a serious lack of appetite; but I have gained back approximately 3.6 pounds - so my weight is above par for this point in my pregnancy!
I still feel huge, though.
This week I am finishing up my baby registry via BabyList, and we are having the twenty-ish week diagnostic sonogram taken on Friday to make sure that everything is growing properly and nothing is out of place! It is going to be 3D - a first for me - so I am very excited to get to see those cute, tiny features!
I promise to stay up to date on these bumpdates from now on! Or at least I'm really going to try!
Stay sweet,
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