
Affiliate Programs:
Milk & Nectar is connected with affiliate advertising programs. If you purchase any item through certain links on this site or any related social media platforms (including Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest), I may make a commission from that purchase. All items featured will be accompanied with my truthful and honest opinion.

Product reviews:
When I receive an item for free, it will be plainly stated that item(s) were courteously given to me. All items and shops featured will be accompanied with my truthful and honest opinion. I only accept items and shops that I feel I will enjoy and my followers will enjoy, so I will usually have an enthusiastic and satisfied opinion about the items and shops posted on this blog. I have not been compensated to state a positive opinion of any of the items or shops on this blog.

Hold Harmless:
The opinions stated on this blog are just that: opinions. Please do not take any of my opinions as facts. Please use your own, personal judgement before making any purchases based on features on this blog. Please consult professionals in regards to any concerns, such as pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, infant/toddler, etc.

Milk & Nectar does not share or sell any personal information with other companies.

Unless otherwise stated, I, Katie Ross or Milk & Nectar, am the legal copyright holder of all material on this website and it may not be used, reprinted, (partially) modified, or published without my written consent. If you would like to feature, re-post, or use anything from this blog, please shoot me and email and we will collaborate to do so!

Stay sweet,

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